Rivera Close to a Deal?
Per Peter Abraham:
Mo Rivera was in Tampa with his agent, Fern Cuza, to sit down with Brian Cashman and the Steinbrenners. Hey, a player willing to sit down with his team and hear what they have to say, what a concept.
When a player meets a team with his agent, it is usually a sign that a deal is close at hand.
Gee, too bad A-Rod opted out, huh? What was his reasoning again?
“Alex’s decision was one based on not knowing what his closer, his catcher and one of his statured pitchers was going to do,” Boras said. “He really didn’t want to make any decisions until he knew what they were going.”
That's why you give the team the 10 days to sign Mo, Posada and Pettitte. If the Yankees settle all three contracts this week, Rodriguez is going to look like an even bigger jerk.Labels: a-rod, mariano rivera
posted by Mr. Faded Glory @ 1:02 PM

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