A-Rod to Be a Yankee Again. For Now. I Mean, We'll See.
Mark Feisand may be better at predicting the future than Tyler Kepner.
After all the back and forth we've listened to in recent weeks, it looks like Alex Rodriguez is headed back to New York after all.
As first reported on the Daily News Web site this morning, A-Rod and the Yankees have been talking behind the scenes about a deal to bring him back to the Bronx, and it looks like it will happen in the very near future.
This is the right move for the Yankees. They bring back the best hitter in the game, at the price they wanted to pay him to begin with. The deal should be in the range of 10 years and $275 million, which gives them back the $21 million they lost from Texas when A-Rod opted out.
For Rodriguez, it's the first step for him to restore his image, which has taken a beating since the opt out was announced during the World Series. Rodriguez comes back to New York on a lower contract, and he'll now finish his career in pinstripes.
I think Feisand's math is a bit off as far as giving back the Texas discount. While it's true that contract would have been less than Rodriguez would have made had he accepted the initial offer, it seems to be a little bit more for the Yankees to pay.
It seems John Sterling also confirmed through a "source" that the deal is "100% done."
I really don't know how to think or feel about this yet, but if nothing else this is a HUGE slap in the face to Scott Boras, because if Alex did this on his own it's practically admitting that Boras ignores the will of his high profile clients. I also believe it means he won't get a cut of the contract, which would be extra sweet.
UPDATE: Hank Steinbrenner says A-Rod "wants to be a Yankee."
It appears at this point that he wants to be a Yankee.” Steinbrenner said in a cell phone conversation.
Despite so vigorously stating they would not negotiate with A-Rod after he opted out, the Yankees are entertaining this surprising new development because Rodriguez is willing to take sacrifices.
“The reason we didn’t entertain it in the first place is because of the opt out and the loss of the Rangers money and so forth,” Steinbrenner said. “But at this point it appears he’s willing to make sacrifices to be a Yankee. Basically that’s it in a nutshell.”
In his statement, Rodriguez referenced potential sacrifices -- which would include taking less money to account for the $21 million subsidary from the Rangers he cost them by opting out.
If Hank is making such statements... well, a dealis probably close.Labels: a-rod, little stein, scott boras
posted by Mr. Faded Glory @ 2:17 PM

i'm probably pretty sure it will all work out for the best
pay-rod lives again
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