Cashman Admits to Things Everyone Has Known All Along
Yet, it's refreshing to see he's not giving the stock answers anymore.
On Bernie Williams:
While retracing Bernie Williams’s unfriendly departure from the Yankees, Cashman said Williams had become more involved in his music “and that took away from his play” and that Williams had a "terrible season" in 2005.
On Joe Torre:
Cashman added Joe Torre had played Williams "ahead of guys who could help us win" in 2006, a reference to Melky Cabrera.
On last year's early struggles:
Cashman said Damon struggled last season because he reported to spring training out of shape, adding that Bobby Abreu was also out of shape.
On Joba vs. the midges:
"I thought our guys weren’t mentally tough enough to get through it."
On working his way up through the Yankees front office:
"It was a great grooming ground. Things kept opening up because people kept getting fired."
None of those things were mysteries to anyone that has paid attention to the Yankees the last few years (or just read this blog) but to see Cashman admit there is some blame to be laid on players and managers is a nice change from his normally stoic and non-candid answers.Labels: bernie williams, bobby abreu, brian cashman, joba chamberlain, joe torre, johnny damon
posted by Mr. Faded Glory @ 9:37 AM

" really good written."
What language is that?
Getting back on topic:
I read that Damon said that he is over the target weight and that he wants to stay there.
Please impose an onerous fine.
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