Too Dumb For Words
This is such an idiotic statement that I'm kind of at a loss for a suitable title.
Joe Torre, on the pressing return of the fabulous Bubba Crosby:
Since Bubba Crosby is less than a week away from coming off the DL, the Yankees have to clear a roster spot. Crosby is eligible to be activated Sunday in Baltimore.
While Terrence Long is a candidate to be dumped for Crosby, Torre likes having Long around.
"He's a pro and easy to like in the clubhouse," Torre said of Long, who started yesterday against Jeremy Bonderman as the DH because of a .333 (6-for-18) average against the right-hander. "He has been in the fires before with Oakland when they were winning pennants," Torre said. "You can never discount that experience in my mind."
Long went 0-for-3, fanned twice, walked and scored a run.
Ok, it's only three paragraphs, but let's look at what's wrong with it:
- "He's a pro and easy to like in the clubhouse." Being a nice fella is good. Heck, it's a bonus in this world of surly ballplayers. It's one of the reasons Tim Raines and Luis Sojo stuck around as long as they did. It's possible though that today Luis Sojo and Tim Raines could outhit Terrence Long.
- "Long...started yesterday against Jeremy Bonderman as the DH." I don't care if Terrence long is 100-for-100 against a guy. He should NEVER be a DH. This is the same mentality that could have Enrique Wilson as DH against Pedro Martinez. It is the same mentality that DID give Tony Womack of the ..276 OBP and .280 SLG eleven games at DH last year. Sometimes Torre will look at stats and other times he ignores them completely when they stare him in the face and instead defends his decisions based on "feel." It's like he just cherry picks a stat every now and then.
- If Long doesn't get demoted/DFA, who does? Well that's easy. Melky Cabrera.
2006 Cabrera OPS: .700. 2006 Long OPS: .473. Oh and Long is a horrible defensive player, one thing Crosby (of the .577 career OPS) does actually bring to the table. - "You can never discount that experience in my mind." Torre has a penchant for choosing experience over talent, a sure thing (even if it's awful) over uncertainty. This is the way to lose ballgames and a big reason why the Yankees have developed exactly one position player (Cano) and one pitcher (Wang) from the farm system since 1998. He won't play them, and the Cano/Wang move was Cashman's brainchild anyway.
- Long went 0-for-3, fanned twice Big fucking surprise, I know.
..... and finally, easily the greatest gem from Joe Torre in quite some time. We all know he grasps at straws and uses ridiculous and flawed logic to defend his moves, but this one takes the absolute cake: - "He has been in the fires before with Oakland when they were winning pennants." .... what?! Ok Joe! Terrence Long of those pennant winning Oakland A's! Great contributions he made to those storied championship teams!
Joe Torre's recent daydream.
For the love of all that is good and holy, someone please fire this man.
posted by Mr. Faded Glory @ 3:46 PM
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uhhh to play devil's advocate is it possible that he doesn't 100% believe at least some of the more inane things he says and is merely scrounging around for some explanation, however feeble, for the personnel Asshole George foists upon him? or, going further, that Joe actually has an extremely dry ironic/sarcastic sense of humor and sometimes states patently untrue "facts" in very sly mockery of choices made by those around him?
No, June, it is not possible.
LOL touche
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