Alex Rodriguez Really Really Cannot Win.
I'm half expecting to see in a couple of weeks an article on global warming where Al Gore attacks A-Rod for not doing enough to fix the problem. Check this thing out. It's disgusting on a number of levels, not the least of which that this ungrateful bastard is in charge of children. I've bolded the important parts and italicized the disgusting, because I'm nice like that. Little League officials rips A-Rod, Boss Staten Island president says Yankees owner, star are cheapskates Little League president Bob Johnson saw his team lose its first two games in LL World Series last weekend, but that was after Johnson had some choice words for New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner and star third baseman Alex Rodriguez. After Staten Island played in Connecticut for its LLWS regional, the team's parents reportedly paid thousands of dollars for hotels, food and gas. So Johnson spearheaded a campaign to get corporate sponsors to help out the team's “blue-collar league,” he told the New York Times. Steinbrenner donated $5,000 to the Staten Island league, but Johnson told the New York Post that he expected far more. "For Steinbrenner, $5,000 is throwing dollar bills in the air," he told the paper. But Johnson reserved ire for Rodriguez, baseball's highest-salaried player, too. "Everything counts, don't get me wrong, but it's disappointing. And A-Rod, he plays $1,000 a hand in poker, he might as well throw $1,000 in our dugout. I don't want Steinbrenner's money. I want A-Rod's money. He's making $20 million a year," Johnson told the paper. Steinbrenner's publicist, Howard Rubenstein, did not make a comment to the paper. Johnson also called the New York Mets' public affairs office, but didn't hear back. The Mets have invited past LLWS teams to Shea Stadium, the Post reported, and according to Mets VP Dave Howard, would do so again. "Once they finish their trip, we would be happy to honor them appropriately for their terrific accomplishment," he told the Post. Staten Island (0-2) faces Phoenix (1-1) on Tuesday, the final day of pool play. © 2006 MSNBC Interactive Ok, so let me get this straight - Steinbrenner gives you $5,000 and you rip him. The Mets don't even return your phone calls, but you have nothing bad to say about them? Then rather than stop making aan ass of yourself, you say you don't want Steinbrenner's money, you really want Alex Rodriguez's money because he "makes $20M per year" (of course any educated baseball fan knows Alex makes more than that. Perhaps he was thinking of Jeter. But the guy probably doesn't want Jeter's money for some crazy reason.) Sounds like some bitter Mets fan and Yankee hater who is using his 15 minutes of fame to make himself look stupid.
posted by Mr. Faded Glory @ 1:10 AM
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a little league grownup acting like an insufferable jackass? MY HEAVENS.
It's disgusting on a number of levels, not the least of which that this ungrateful bastard is in charge of children
it is, and unfortunately people like that, parents and coaches alike, are the norm.
When I was a LL coach, some parents would get pissed that we weren't "trying hard enough" to win games and instead were too lax and concered with getting everyone playing time and "having fun."
I told them that yes, they were 100% correct.
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